Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Week 2 : Research


 Contours form the foundation of the surface of every object in existence. They define the incremental steps of altitude that mask the exterior facing on landscapes, buildings and anything that requires an aerial view. There seems to be such power carried with these simple lines, which can dictate an entire mountain range with the stroke of a line.

Contours have many applications, and can be displayed in a variety of methods. In any case, the pictures below all depict their desired objects in a perspective that is unbiased of decoration, yet makes up for aesthetics and information through its dramatic simplicity.

I'm hoping to create slices of the contours, and modify them to include a network of dimples , which resemble the erosion of rocks as water passes over and creates localised eddy currents. If you refer to my week 1 rock pictures, you will understand the erosion I am referring to. The combination of contours and the intricate mess of dimples inside will develop a very interesting form and design from which I can refine.

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